Friday, March 23, 2012

Echappes and Assemble

An échappé is the opening of both feet from a closed to an open position. There are two kinds of échappés. Echappé sauté, which is done with a spring from the fifth position and finishes in a demi-plié in second position, and échappé sur les pointes, or demi-pointe, which is done with a relevé and has straight knees when in second position. In each case échappés are done to the second or fourth position, both feet traveling an equal distance from the center of gravity.

An assemble is when you throw one leg up and springs off the other, while ascending the raised leg continues to rise, landing on both feet closed together back in fifth. Assemble can travel in the direction in which the leg was raised, and can be performed while turning, or with a beat.
Here is an attached video of how to do it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Plie and Releve

The next lesson will be on Plies (Plee- A's) and Releves (Rel-uh-vey's). Plie is the bending of the knees in any of the five positions we talked about in the last post, and continuing all the way till you are in a very low squat. Demi plie is half bending of the knees, with your heels still on the floor. Grand plie is the full bending of the knees, all the way to the ground. When doing all of this the rest of your body has to maintain the correct form as well. Your back needs to remain straight as if your sliding down a wall. Your lower back and butt needs to stay tucked under as if you have a string attached to your pelvic bones and they are getting pulled forward.

Next is a Releve which is the rising/ spring movement to pointe or demi-pointe in any of the five positions we talked about in the previous post. To do this you will first go into demi- plie and then rise up into susu releve and hold your arms in fifth position. You will hold this for about ten seconds to grasp the exercise which is balance. Balance is one of the key components in dance, it is needed through every movement you do. Engaging your core is a necessity through this exercise.
  *This is on pointe but you do the same in regular ballet shoes

Friday, March 9, 2012

Ballet Attire

When starting Ballet you want to have the proper attire, because dressing appropriatly and feeing good about what you wear will give you a sense of confidence when you dance,(from personal experience). You can purchase these items online, or at a local dance store. 

Attire for Ballet class:
- Tights (flesh colored)
- Leotard
- Ballet skirt
- Ballet shoes (begginers and for regular Ballet)

- Pointe Shoes (advanced)


Ballet shoes

Pointe shoes

Sunday, March 4, 2012


As I talked about in the previous post I will be talking about the five different Ballet positions. This video explains in great detail what the positions are and the arm placement to match.
1. First Position
          Hold both arms low and in front of you with your fingertips almost touching. Round your arms so your elbows are slightly bent. And raise your arms so that your hands are at your belly button but without raising your shoulders.
         For your feet you will stand with your feet parallel to each other and then keeping your heels touching and open your toes to their natural turn out.
2. Second Position
          From First position you are going to open your arms up to a "T" so that your arms are parallel to the ground and at shoulder height, no higher or lower.
         For your feet you keep them the same, the only thing you do is step out so that they are a little bit wider then shoulder width apart keeping them turned out.
3. Third Position
         You are going to take your left arm and raise it above your head so that your arm is nice and rounded and your fingers are right up over the middle of your head. Your right arm will stay in second position.
          Your left foot should be back in first position and your right heel should touch the knuckle of your left big toe.
4. Forth position
          You will keep your left arm where it is and now just take your right arm and go back to first position then just raise it so its straight out from your chest.
           Again your left foot will stay in first position and your right foot is just going to slide out in front of you from your left foot about a foot.
5. Fifth Position
          Your left arm will stay where it is and your right arm will come up to meet it.
           Your left foot again stays where it is and your right heel will meet up in front of your left pinky toe.

There is all of the position, if you are confused watch the video it will help a ton. Or just post a comment. But after this you have just finished your first Ballet lesson!!!!