Sunday, February 12, 2012

My personal dance experience

I have been enrolled in dance ever since I was three at Anita's Dance Center in Muskego, WI, from ballet, tap, and jazz, rotation classes once a week to a full seven days of dance after shcool and on weekends. When I was younger I didnt think to much about dance, because what can you do at the age of three pretty much just stand there and try to comprehend what the teacher is telling you.
Throughout the years I have grown to love dance and make it my passion and continue to strive to make myself better. I always remember my instructor asking me who wants to be a dancer when they grow up? When I was around the age of 10, and I heard that question I never raised my hand because I didnt think of dance as such a serious thing. Now when we get asked that question I raise my hand because I have realized after being on competition team and traveling to dance conventions and hearing proffesional dancers stories makes me think about my dancing and how much I really do enjoy it. With my 15 years of dance experience it has allowed me to grow and look at past and present dancers and have their stories impact me, now it is my turn to do that to you. With my blog I hope I can draw dancers in and show them the past history and present styles of dance.

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