Sunday, March 4, 2012


As I talked about in the previous post I will be talking about the five different Ballet positions. This video explains in great detail what the positions are and the arm placement to match.
1. First Position
          Hold both arms low and in front of you with your fingertips almost touching. Round your arms so your elbows are slightly bent. And raise your arms so that your hands are at your belly button but without raising your shoulders.
         For your feet you will stand with your feet parallel to each other and then keeping your heels touching and open your toes to their natural turn out.
2. Second Position
          From First position you are going to open your arms up to a "T" so that your arms are parallel to the ground and at shoulder height, no higher or lower.
         For your feet you keep them the same, the only thing you do is step out so that they are a little bit wider then shoulder width apart keeping them turned out.
3. Third Position
         You are going to take your left arm and raise it above your head so that your arm is nice and rounded and your fingers are right up over the middle of your head. Your right arm will stay in second position.
          Your left foot should be back in first position and your right heel should touch the knuckle of your left big toe.
4. Forth position
          You will keep your left arm where it is and now just take your right arm and go back to first position then just raise it so its straight out from your chest.
           Again your left foot will stay in first position and your right foot is just going to slide out in front of you from your left foot about a foot.
5. Fifth Position
          Your left arm will stay where it is and your right arm will come up to meet it.
           Your left foot again stays where it is and your right heel will meet up in front of your left pinky toe.

There is all of the position, if you are confused watch the video it will help a ton. Or just post a comment. But after this you have just finished your first Ballet lesson!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very informative stuff here. Couple of thoughts, though:

    1) Proofread very, very carefully. Because this is out there and available for the world to see, you want to take great pains to make sure your thoughts are clearly communicated. When I'm reading it and run into all of the your/you're errors, I get bogged down and start thinking about that and not the instructions you're providing. Beyond that, there are a few typos in here. Be sure to clean these up.

    2) This is some interesting technical writing, actually. I wouldn't have thought about describing ballet positions in a step by step framework, but you do a pretty nice job. The video helps, but I thik pictures might help even more. Consider using photos at each step to help add clarity. Most technical manuals are full of illustrations that help add clarity. Maybe you could even use yourself as the model. It might be a fun way to personalize your blog.
